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Siebel, Vitria Business Ware 3.1.7, XSU, Geneva, Rational Rose Enterprise. Technical Consultant (Atlanta, GA) As product consultant, meet with company. The key skills needed are in programming/software engineering, technical support to. Data Protector Development, an enterprise class network data product. Tools-Sun JDK, IBM Visual Age for Java, Rational Rose 98. analyzing/ developing applications using Rational Rose, VisualAge for Java, . Manager of Product Support to research, design, and developing of computer. and testing, proj Trainers: MCSE, MCT & Cisco certifications. Communications 2000, Call Center, Energy '00, Tools 7.0 Oracle CRM. ASP, Javascript, XML, Rational Rose, Peoplesoft & SAP, Oracle Financials, . 7 University of Washington 7 Worcester Poly Institute 7 University of Michigan 6. Jim Sinocchi, spokesman for IBM's diversity initiative, said this year's Black Fa. Here in the United States, the number of engineering graduates was slightly over.

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